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Writer's pictureAntonio Paragas Lopez Jr. [KNPC Project, Kuwait]

The Life of 'W'

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

by Anthony Paragas Lopez Jr. [ KNPC Project, Kuwait]


You… yes you… the one reading this, are you reading this article on the comfort of your home or you are one of those “W” that are working overseas away from their family?

For me, it’s a bitter pill to swallow; I am one of the proud Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) who has been working on most parts of the Middle East whereas my service is required, working away from my home country. My story began on my first flight away from my Home Country, with lots of questions and expectations left hanging upon my consciousness as I stepped on the bridge to the airplane going to my first destination, Dubai UAE. It was a quick tour, It was an empty page on my book, and was filled with new experience, filled with uncertainty and will to move on. And then Qatar, and then Saudi Arabia and now Kuwait, I know, those are very few to mention but I am enjoying it and eagerly looking forward to another new country to explore, fingers crossed.

As they always say that the first time is always hard, but lucky for me, I have experienced first-hand hardships on working overseas, the major adjustments, language barrier, multi-culture, work ethics, time difference and the worst part is homesickness. Working away from your loved ones is really the hardest part of working overseas. On the lighter side, there is satisfaction on my part that I am providing the best I can to them, however, it is like watching a movie, you can see them but you cannot touch them. You are happy that you are providing the foods and gifts for their birthdays, but you never can kiss and hug and wish them happy birthday personally. As I move along, adaptation is one of the traits that I have on my sleeves and proved to be my best asset and very useful for the rest of my journey.

The Company plays a vital role to help soften the impact of the lonesome in working overseas; luckily, Samsung Engineering always has its heart of compassion and sympathy to all its personnel. From the vacation rotations down to the Team Building and other Programs for us, its employee, to feel appreciated. From my 1st project with Samsung Engineering in Saudi until here in Kuwait, I can really say that I am lucky to be surrounded by supportive colleagues and management and thankful for whatever I become today.

W” might stand for Working Overseas, Wayward, Wanderer or whatever words you find fit to describe you, but for me, I am a Wanderer, because most of the places I’ve been, like a wanderer, I appreciate the landscapes, the people, culture and most of all, my work. As I move around from places to places, as an HR practitioner, you will be exposed to people from all different walks of life, from within the company and from the random people that you will meet as you wander around. You will see and compare the differences; you can self-evaluate and know yourself more, you will change your perspective in life, you may touch or change others’ lives and their perspective, and you might change your whole being for betterment or worse, on which, will be your decision to make.

As I am almost done wandering in Kuwait, another page of my book has been filled with new friends, memorable colleagues, colorful memories, most to be celebrated and some to be corrected but still thankful for whatever it brought me as to make me who I am today. Cold season is starting here in Kuwait.. and I am still wondering and excited where it would be next, but wherever my fate would bring me, I will still be a Wanderer and will live the Life of W until then.


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